Social Media 101 – Part 3 – Your LinkedIn Profile

Why Use LinkedIn?

LinkedIn Profile - Resume of Today

Your Digital Footprint

Sometimes I feel like an evangelist when it comes to one’s LinkedIn Profile. It seems I tell the same story over and over, from slightly different angles, but is it the same story. For those who want the summary – Get your LinkedIn Profile in top notch shape. Clean it up as if your were going on that ultimate interview. Polish it until the shine is so deep it is a mirror. Your profile is your meal ticket. LinkedIn is where many recruiters go fishing. LinkedIn is where references are checked, Your LinkedIn Profile is where the rubber meets the road for jobs, referrals, and references. LinkedIn is the Human Resources Department of the future. This may sound a bit extreme for some, so lets look at real world claims an see what we can bring to light. Continue reading “Social Media 101 – Part 3 – Your LinkedIn Profile”